Backed by the full force of the Chinese Party-state, individual companies were isolated and lost their bargaining power. 因为有中国的党国体制全力“支持”,私营企业都被孤立了,并且失去了他们讲价的力量。
Visiting individual shops and bargaining down the price of each item would take me an afternoon. 去私人店铺每件东西挨个砍价会花费我一个下午的时间。
Labor remuneration Negotiation right is the essence and basis of labor remuneration right, which includes individual bargaining right and the collective bargaining right for remuneration. 劳动报酬谈判权是劳动者与雇主之间就劳动报酬问题进行讨价还价的权利,是保护劳动报酬权的起点和基础。劳动报酬谈判权包括劳动报酬个别谈判权和劳动报酬集体谈判权。
Procedure of pleading guilty and sentencing is less speedy than plea bargaining in ability of solving individual case, but it overcomes most defects of plea bargaining. 认罪处刑程序在个案的解决能力上并不如辩诉交易更为快捷,但它却克服了辩诉交易的大部分缺点。